Middle SS News

Sarah Hill


Week 10!

Kaboom Incursion 

A huge thank you to everyone for their support in ensuring a wonderful incursion could go ahead. A VERY BIG thank you to Juri and Stefania for their work in planning and coordination of the event itself, and for pushing for opportunities for our students to engage in learning outside of the four walls of the classroom. I hope your students enjoyed all that was the colour and fun of Kaboom.



Semester one reports should now be well and truly completed. Dan has done a great job of following up on any little pieces of information that may have been missed, and is taking the time to follow up on these. If you need any further support in actioning these, please let me know ASAP.


Maintenance Programs + Summary Pages

In Week 10 we spent time creating a one page summary sheet to be attached to the front of maintenance programs. Please ensure these are completed by Wednesday so that they can be added to existing maintenance programs, and updated ready for Term 3.


ICT Supervision

Please be vigilant in supervising students on iPads and laptops in classrooms. Explicit content is making its way more than ever into what looks like child friendly videos and music. Please, as much as possible do your due diligence and double check content is appropriate.


Secondary Toilets: Rooms 16-18, congratulations on a successful move into a new space. Please ensure your students continue to utilise the MSS toilets. You have the option of the toilets next to the old Art Room, or the toilets at the back of Room 10. The Secondary toilets are to remain for Secondaries only- this is to ensure safety for our MSS students.


Classroom Walls: It has been noted that a few classrooms have walls/cupboards that have been written on using permanent markers, pencils and so on. If this is the case, please either remove this yourself, or log it on maintenance to be removed.Should you wish to record student heights, please utilise tape, and reinforce the message to students that we are not to write or draw on the walls. 


Term 3 Assemblies 

Please see below for the allocation of assemblies in Term 3.

Week 2: Rooms 11 & 13

Week 4: Rooms 10 & 17

Week 6: Room 14 & 18

Week 8: Rooms 12, 15 & 16


And lastly, enjoy your final few weeks of term with your students. I look forward to seeing you on the other side of term 3, after I’m sure what will be a restful, well received break.