Mental Health for Staff

For Anyone. For everyone.

Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace- YouTube Info Video Link


Magda's Big National Health Check- ABC iview episodes link


Mental Health First Aid Australia Blog link

Employee Wellbeing Support Services

The Employee Wellbeing Support Services provide free and confidential advice to proactively support the wellbeing of eligible department staff. 


Converge International is the department’s external provider of the Employee Wellbeing Support Services that has superseded the EAP . 


Staff can make appointments to receive tailored support across 8 different service streams and 6 specialist helplines. Immediate family members aged 18 years and over can access the Family Assist stream.


To access the services and make an appointment, call 1300 291 071 or book online via the Converge International portal or mobile phone app (PDF), entering the organisational code mywellbeing.


DE resources and services

The department offers free health and wellbeing webinars (staff login required) designed to support the health, safety and wellbeing of our school staff and leaders. 


Current webinars, tip sheets and video recordings of previous webinars are available to all staff. Topics for staff include, Resilience in times of uncertainty, Safeguarding against burnout and Switching on your growth mindset. Topics for leaders include, Supporting your team’s mental health and wellbeing through times of uncertainty and Supporting injured or vulnerable staff in times of crisis.