Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

We are on the count down towards the school holidays. It was great to see so many parents at parent/teacher interviews on Tuesday night. If you haven't already booked an appointment to see your child's teacher, you still have an opportunity on Tuesday next week. Please book through School Bytes or call the office if you are having difficulty.


On Monday our student reports for Semester One went live on School Bytes. If you require a hard copy of your child's report, please contact your child's teacher or the office. As we have had a transition to School Bytes the reports have a different format. We would appreciate your feedback. Please click to complete the survey.




Another win for Eglinton!


On Tuesday our debating team of Liam Davis, Leo Ruddick, Cody Whalan and Sofia Harris, ably supported by Amelia Toohey as chairperson and Piper Thompson as timekeeper, won our second-round debate against Cooerwull Public School.


The topic was: That primary schools should study more movies and shows instead of just studying books. Our team was the affirmative. A difficult topic but they rose to the challenge.  Congratulations team!


EPS Debating Team
EPS Debating Team


Mrs Hayes has been asked to continue in the position of Assistant Principal Learning and Support for the Cowra Network for Semester 2. Miss Van Dyk will continue teaching K-6H for the remainder of the year.


Eglinton PS will be undergoing a power upgrade during the school holidays. This is to support our new reverse cycle air conditioners which have been installed throughout the school. There will be trades people on site throughout the holidays to carry out the electricity upgrades and to remove the old unflued gas heaters. There may be some changes in accessing the Oosh building, but Zali will keep all parents updated. 


Just a reminder that Monday 22nd July is a staff development day. All staff will be participating in professional learning. Students will return to school on Tuesday 23rd July.