Principal's Report

Simone Roy

Next week is a shorter week, with the King’s Birthday public holiday on Monday and then a student free day on Friday for report writing. We really want our students to be at school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! 

Morrisby Careers Reporting

Last term, the Year 9 students completed careers based testing with Jo Macklan to help find out what strengths and areas of interest they have for their futures. This week, the results have come back and each Year 9 student had an interview to talk through the report and the information it provided them.

Parents were invited to join in with these online meetings and some participated in this important conversation with their child.

If you missed the interview, but would still like to hear a summary about what information was provided, please contact Jo Macklan to organise a time to talk. It is so pleasing to see the Department putting such a focus on careers and planning for each students’ future. Careers education is such an important aspect of schooling, to ensure that students are guided in planning for their future so that it suits them and their strengths. 

School Driveway Speed Limit

Please remember to drive through the school grounds at no more than 10km/h. This road is a thoroughfare shared with pedestrians and other road users. While we have not had any accidents to this point in time, we don’t want any to happen at all.

GAT / Unit 1 Exams

Next week, all students enrolled in a Unit 1 VCE subject (not VCE VM subjects) will be sitting their mid-year practice exams. These are designed to help provide teachers with further evidence of the satisfactory understanding of the course outcomes, but more importantly, provide students with the opportunity to experience exam conditions and time pressures. All assessments in the VCE have time requirements, and many students will also have end of year exams to sit.


Tuesday the 18th of June is when all students enrolled in a Unit 3 and 4 subject will sit the General Achievement Test (GAT), a VCAA requirement used as a moderation tool. The main building will be a bit disrupted for all students, with areas blocked off at times, in order to provide the students with the best opportunity to concentrate. Students are not able to ‘study’ for the GAT, as per other exams, as it assesses ‘general’ knowledge and skills, but there are past GAT exams available on the VCAA website if students want to look for them. We also ran a practice GAT earlier this term to familiarise students with the overall process and style of questions. Feedback is available from Lisa Bowring if students would like to know how they went. 

Winter Uniform

While we had a taste of the cold of Winter, we have also experienced a bit of a mild patch in the weather this week. Make sure you are prepared with the appropriate winter uniform items, available from the Mount Beauty Hardware and Drapery.


If you have any good quality, second hand items, please remember to bring them to school for our second hand stock, or if you would like to make a donation, especially winter items, it would be appreciated.

Ice Plunge

The start of Winter was celebrated at Falls Creek with the famous Ice Plunge. This event brings the community together and is a key fundraising event for MND. We heard that a few of our students braved the elements for this great cause.