Shelby Turner and Josy Reeder
Shelby Turner and Josy Reeder
Sexuality education begins at home and can be supported by schools as part of a broader curriculum aimed at maximising children’s health and wellbeing.
We are excited to share that we have booked About Real Life again for Term 3. This includes family evening sessions for Prep to Grade 6 and classroom sessions for Grade 3-6. Please add the dates to your diary, they have also been added to our OLA School Calendar.
The following family (parent/s and child/ren) webinars are facilitated to encourage conversation throughout the session and beyond.
They include the following content:
Grade Prep – 2 Family Session 40-45mins | People: How are people the same? How are they different? Bodies: How are bodies the same? How are they different? Privacy & Safety | Monday 26 August 6:30pm (webinar - link will be shared) |
Grade 3 & 4 Family Session 50-60mins | Families & Friends: Similarities and differences. Acknowledging change, and that happy and challenging times are a typical part of family life Bodies: Similarities and differences, Body Safety and Foetal development & birth | Wednesday 14 August 6:30pm (webinar - link will be shared) |
Grade 5 & 6 Family Session 60-70mins | Puberty: General & gender specific physical changes, emotional & social changes. Privacy & safety in the real and online world Reproduction | Monday 22 July 6:30pm (webinar - link will be shared) |
The classroom sessions which are booked after the Family sessions will run on the following dates, more information will follow.
Session 1 Monday 26 August Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5/6 | Session 2 Monday 2 September Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5/6 | Session 3 Monday 9 September Grade 5/6 (only) |
Your child’s dental health is important to us, that’s why Teeth on Wheels will be visiting our school July 16, 2024.
Click the link below to sign your child up - IT MIGHT BE FREE!
Teeth on Wheels are focussed on providing a positive dental experience and specialise with working with children. They can provide check-up and clean appointments, as well as treatment onsite at OLA and will be able to advise you if your child is eligible to receive dental care for FREE under the Child Dental Benefit Schedule.
Please complete your form today and the Teeth on Wheels team will be in contact to confirm and schedule your child’s appointment.
E-forms must be completed by July 9 2024 for your child to participate. If you are unable to access the e-form, a paper will be sent home and spare copies will be available from the school office.
For any further questions, please contact the Teeth On Wheels team on (03) 9338 1191.
Share these resources with young people or use them to help start important conversations:
Explore more resources for young people