Education in Faith

Michela Vella

 A Prayer for the End of Term 


Loving Father,  

as we come to the end of another term

we turn to you in confidence

and place any difficult relationships

into the healing hands of Jesus, your Son.  


Enable us to leave behind 

any pain of the past

and any regrets or bitterness,  

entrusting the past to your mercy,  

the present to your love,  

and the future to your providence.  


Help us appreciate more 

the need to keep a good balance in our lives. 

May the holiday be for us  

a time of rest and recreation 

to help restore us 

and re-create us

in your image and likeness,  

as we enjoy more of the love and presence of our families,  

on whom we ask your blessing.  



Author: Brother Nicholas Hutchinson  



Michela Vella

Religious Education Leader