Introducing the new staff member 'DAZZA', he had a little tour around school the other day. He tried out all types of classes and jobs around the school. He loved what was on offer, his highlights were Music, Science and the canteen. He tried being Principal but wasn't for him, best to leave that to Mr Wilson. He ultimately has chosen to learn and help out in the Vis Comm room with Miss Burdett.
In all seriousness, a BIG congratulations to Oscar Matties and friends (Xavier Nicholls and Frasier Shaw) who constructed DAZZA for Visual Communication Design class. This was part of his free topic which took over a month to construct, let alone to design. He is made up of PVC piping, 2 rolls of gaffer tape, liquid nails and 4000+ pipe cleaners. It was great to see the problem solving and team work that allowed DAZZA to come to life.