It was great to spend some time with our Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students this week at their end of term Year Level Assemblies. I started each of these assemblies by asking students what’s great about being a student at KSC at the moment, as well as ideas for making the school even better.
The students told us that they are loving –
- The new uniform
- Their new electives for Semester Two
- Spending time with their friends
- Some great activities in class
- Canteen
They also shared some great ideas for improvements including
- Moving the Year 8 recycling bin
- Being allowed inside out of the cold earlier
- Fixing the lock on the girls toilet
We’ve already followed up with the students to make these happen. Well done in particular to Jai and Tyler of Year 8 for leading a conversation the following day with the rest of their students on expectations for behaviour for being inside earlier
We also have some longer term ideas around
- Fewer tests as CATs in Year 9
- More bins around the school
- More bench seating around the school
- Adding a vest to our new school uniform
Over the coming days and weeks we’ll be catching up with the students who made these suggestions to help them make these happen.
Our Year Level Assemblies also looked at
- Student behaviour data over the last three weeks with much to celebrate here
- Our new uniform and a focus on everyone being fully in the new uniform by day one of Term Three
- What ‘respect’ means to our students and how we achieve this
It has been fantastic to see so many students around school in our new hoodie and tracksuit pants. Reports from students have been that they are very warm and comfortable. We’ve even had positive comments about the service from our new uniform supplier, Beleza Uniforms, as well as the reasonably priced uniform items.
A reminder that all students are expected to be in full new uniform, including our new items, on the first day of next term.
Well done to all students for their efforts over the recent exam period. It was fantastic to see the effort that all students put into their exams. Over the last week our staff have now been busy marking exams, finalising all CATs and SACs from Semester One, and completing our Semester Reports. GPA and Semester One reports will be available later next week.
As we head into our mid-year break at the end of next week, I wish everyone a very safe and relaxing holiday, and we look forward to seeing everyone again in Term Three.