Sports Newsletter

Sacred Heart Feast Day Sport Activities. A big thank you to our wonderful Year 6 students who displayed fantastic leadership skills last Friday at the Sacred Heart Feast Day sporting activities. They did a great job leading big groups in: Active Games, Skipping, Relay Races, Tag Games and Dances. Well done!
Colac Division Soccer
Well done to our two Sacred Heart teams that competed in the Colac Division Soccer Championships at the Colac Central Reserve/Colac Hockey Fields last Thursday. Congratulations to Sacred Heart Black who were the overall winners and to Sacred Heart Red who were final contenders. It was a fantastic day! A big thank you to Dave Coventry, Tyson Finn and Oaklee Balboni for their coaching and umpiring skills on the day. Thanks also to the parents/guardians/grandparents who supported the day.
Sacred Heart Black will now compete in the Greater Western Regional event on Thursday 20th June at the Wendouree West Recreation Reserve, Wendouree West.
(More information will be sent out via PAM closer to the event)
Colac Division Football Lightning Premiership
We wish our two Sacred Heart football teams all the best when they compete in the Colac Division Football Championships on Friday 14th June at the Colac Central Reserve. Students will travel by bus to this event. Footballers will need to wear football shorts, socks and football boots (bring these along in your school bag). Football jumpers will be supplied on the day.
All students will need to bring along a water bottle, fruit, snacks and lunch. Spare clothes and a towel may be needed. Please watch the weather forecast!
We do need parents to assist with coaching and umpiring on the day, so please indicate on PAM if you can help out.
(Please complete Permission details on PAM for your child)
Colac Division Netball Lightning Premiership
We wish our four Sacred Heart netball teams all the best when they compete in the Colac Division Netball Championships on Friday 14th June at Colac Eastern Reserve Netball Courts. Students will travel by bus to this event. Netballers will need to wear their sports uniform on this day. Netball bibs will be supplied on the day.
All students will need to bring along a water bottle, fruit, snacks and lunch. Spare clothes and a towel may be needed. Please watch the weather forecast!
We do need parents to assist with umpiring on the day, so please indicate on PAM if you can help out.
(Please complete Permission details on PAM for your child)
Important Dates
Colac Division Football/Netball Lightning Premiership – Friday 14th June
Geelong Cats Visit - Wednesday 19th June (Year 4 students)
Greater Western Soccer Championships – Thursday 20th June
Greater Western Netball Championships – Friday 21st June
Greater Western Boys/Girls Football Championships – Wednesday 26th June
State Cross Country – Thursday 18th July (Yarra Glen)
Sports Stars of the Week
Name: Jake Dear (Yr 6KT)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are basketball, golf and tennis.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is hockey.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Hockey is my favourite sport because because it is fun and I like watching it as well.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I got a medal in basketball.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my strength and I am a good sport.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because it is fun to play.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is my Dad.
8. Why are they your favourite? Dad is my favourite player because he is good at sport and he shows good sportmanship.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is Richmond Tigers.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I am kind, nice and friendly.
Name: Matilda Kerr (4SF)
1. What sports do you play? The sports I play are dance, cricket and swimming.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is cricket.
3. Why is this your favourite sport?Cricket is my favourite sport because I like bowling in cricket.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I bowled someone out in cricket.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my dodging skills.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because it is fun and I get to play with my friends.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is Sam Kerr.
8. Why are they your favourite? Sam Kerr is my favourite player because she is a fantastic soccer player and a good sports person.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is the Melbourne Renegades cricket team.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that I try hard and I am a good sport.
Name: Max Armstrong (Yr 5JT)
1. What sports do you play? The sport I play is football.
2. Which sport is your favourite to play? My favourite sport to play is football.
3. Why is this your favourite sport? Football is my favourite sport because I love the game and I like playing with my friends.
4. What is your proudest sporting moment? My proudest sporting moment was when I took some good marks over kids that were older than me.
5. What are your strengths that help you with sport? My strengths in sport is my ability to take marks and I am good at doding and tackling.
6. Why do you love playing sports? I love playing sport because it is fun and I get to play with my friends.
7. Who is your favourite sports person? My favourite sports person is AFL football Nick Daicos.
8. Why are they your favourite? Daicos is my favourite player because he is a great football player and like his haircut.
9. What is your favourite sporting team? My favourite sports team is Collingwood.
10. How would your coaches and teammates describe you? My coach and team mates would say that they believe in me and that they can rely on me as a team mate.
Thanks, Nicole Lynch