Library News

Next week will be the children's last borrowing for the term. There are some children with a number of overdue books, some of these books are books that other children are waiting to borrow. It would be great if we can get these books back by the end of the term so they are able to start with a clean slate next term.
Gr 3, 4, 5 and 6 are able to keep one book for holiday reading.
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Term 3 has some exciting things happening. Scholastic Book Fair is returning to the school during week four. The children will be able to purchase books from the fair with the school benefiting by being able to purchase books for the library as commission.
The excitement of Book Week will be here again before we know it. Week six of Term 3 is when we will be celebrating book week. So start collecting bits and pieces to create your magic themed book costumes or whatever book character your children wish to come as.
Thank you - Yolanda McVilly