Religious Education

What a great day we had last Friday celebrating the Feast of the Sacred Heart with a special Mass led by Fr Michael. Symbolically, the sacred heart of Jesus, has long been regarded as the centre of love, both in a physical and metaphorical sense. In the devotion to the Sacred Heart, the heart of Jesus represents the divine wellspring of love, the source from which flows an abundance of compassion, mercy, and grace.
A huge thank you to the Year Six cohort for organising and promoting
donations to our annual appeal for St Vinnies. For many years Sacred Heart families have helped support those in need by their generous donations, reflecting the kindness and love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
During the Mass we also recognised and celebrated the 150th anniversary of the birth of the Ballarat Diocese. Last week we received the Southern Zone Message Stick from St Brendan’s. Friday afternoon the Message Stick was passed on to St Mary's Primary school. Whilst at Sacred Heart, throughout the week the Message stick was passed around from class to class where students and teachers learnt about the meaning and purpose of the ancient Aboriginal symbolic message stick.
‘When a message stick is handed to you from another person, you are the custodian of an Aboriginal artefact and it should only be passed to another worthy custodian’.
(Vicki Clarke OAM, Mutthi Mutthi/Wemba Wemba)
We were gifted to carry the message: Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12).
Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader & Wellbeing Leader