5/6 T

Welcome back to Term 3! I hope you all had a restful break and are ready for another action-packed term.
Life Ed Van
This week the grade 5/6's had an incursion with The Life Ed Van. Our session was called 'Relate, Respect, Connect' and it focussed on:
- understanding how and why it’s important to respect ourselves and others
- exploring the impact of disrespectful behaviours
- identifying characteristics of positive relationships and strategies to maintain them
- strategies to respond to unsafe or disrespectful situations online and offline
- strategies for emotional regulation and avenues to seek support when needed
We have started the term with a Big Write. The students have taken their time to create detailed plans and are learning to use these to organise their ideas into paragraphs. This term, we will also work on the students' editing skills by focusing on punctuation and vocabulary choices.
The theme for our inquiry unit is social justice. This week the students have started to consider the rights of a child and reflected on the degree to which these rights are upheld around the world. The children will further explore social justice issues and will write slam poetry about an issue of their choice by the end of the term.
Upcoming dates this term:
- 19th and 22nd of August: Parent/ Teacher meetings
- 23rd August: Grade 6 Basketball Lightning Premiership
- 30th August: Father's Day Breakfast
- 6th September: Grade 6 Cricket Lightning Premiership
- Week 9: Book Week and Book Fair