5/6 WG

Welcome back for Term 3! We are excited to have you all back and we can't wait to see what this term brings!
This week in writing, students have been able to practise many skills. They planned a narrative piece using a picture prompt, where they focused on the features of a narrative. Our next steps were to focus on using our editing skills to improve our writing.
We started investigating social justice and how resources, opportunities and privileges are afford to children in Australia and around the world. Students started to learn about, and question their rights in and outside of school.
Life Ed Van
On Friday we will be having a visit from Harold who will be presenting information to our year level. The topic is Relate, Respect, Connect - with a strong focus on friendships. Students have already started engaging in these ideas through some lessons in the class. We look forward to hearing from Harold.
This week we have begun our unit on Fractions/Decimals. It has been great to see the students come back and really engage in the tasks presented.
We hope you have a great weekend,
Mr Will & Miss Georgia