3/4 L

Term 3, Week 1

Welcome back everyone to the beginning of Term 3! It promises to be a term filled with great learning and fun!

Life Education Van

To begin Term 3, we had a visit from the Life Education van. Our session was called Friends and Feelings (social and emotional learning). This module focused on being a good friend. The concepts of; asking consent, having tricky conversations with friends, and feelings associated with big changes were explored. Most importantly, students got to hang out with Harold the Giraffe (though they might not have been as excited as Ms. Lisa was!)


Students learned about:

• identifying and practising assertive communications skills

• practising emotional regulation skills such as mindful breathing

• broadening and developing emotional literacy.


Kaboom Sports

Next Tuesday we will have a visit from Kaboom Sports to help us celebrate the upcoming Paris Olympics. Kaboom Sports have been regular visitors to SFX over the past few years and it promises to be a fun filled and active afternoon. 

Curriculum News

This term we will focus on the following areas across the curriculum:


Inquiry: Our unit this term is called In Someone Else's Shoes. In this unit we will investigate:

  • The organisations and aids that support people with disabilities;
  • What it is like to live with a disability;
  • Criteria for good rules and laws that make them fair for everyone; and
  • The concept of social justice, and how this is supported by rules and laws.

The rationale behind this unit is that, being in someone else’s shoes, allows us to imagine how we would feel and how we might act if we were them. Students will research a disability and write a story about an important day in the life of someone who has the disability that they have researched. They will include a goal that their character would like to achieve, and an obstacle that they need to overcome. 


As at the end of last term, we will invite families and friends to view a showcase of all of the amazing research and learning, so stay tuned!


Education in Faith: We will closely link our Education in Faith work to our Inquiry unit. To make these connections we will focus on the Catholic Social Justice Principles of The Dignity of Human Person and Subsidiarity and Participation (How do we contribute to a more just and fair world?). The Year 3/4s will also celebrate a class Mass at a date yet to be determined. More information to follow at a later date. 


Maths: This term our units will include: Subtraction, Fractions and Decimals, Financial Mathematics and 3D objects / 2D shapes and Angles.


Literacy: We are beginning this term with a unit on Poetry (Ms. Lisa's favourite!). Students will be learning about and creating a wide variety of different poems, including haikus, diamante poems, cinquain poems, acrostic poems, shape poems and limericks. You can look forward to seeing an amazing portfolio of work at the end of the term!