
Welcome to Term 3! It is fabulous to have the students back in the classroom, and they enjoy connecting with their peers.
In Maths, the students are learning about subtraction. Through stories, rhymes, and concrete materials, the Preps subtract a quantity from a given collection. They are also practised writing matching number sentences.
Throughout the week, we celebrated and acknowledged NAIDOC week. During morning prayer, we sang the Aboriginal Our Father prayer, listened to the story Ceremony by Adam Goodes, learnt about smoking ceremonies, and the Preps went on a symbol scavenger hunt. We reflected on the meaning of NAIDOC week and the importance of respecting and acknowledging the culture and history of our First Nation people.
This week in literacy, we are learning to read and write two new tricky words, 'that and they'. The students practised using these words in simple sentences and then wrote simple sentences containing the tricky words. In addition, a sentence was dictated to the students, and they wrote the dictated sentence, containing familiar tricky words and sounds.