Principal's Report

Principal's Message
Compass Music Festival
What a joy it was to watch our choir perform at the Compass Music Festival last week. Our Boambee students sung beautifully and were also standouts when it came to good behaviour!
Strategic Planning
As we work hard implementing our new school vision, focused on the joy of learning and extra curricular opportunities, I wanted to let you all know that we will be giving our students a voice in this process. Students in Years 3-6 will complete a survey to let us know about the opportunities that they have and what they are participating in at school.
Each week our timetable is full of opportunities, here is an example of what is happening this week at Boambee Public for our students.
Home Learning
You may have noticed a push at the moment for home learning. Mathematics login codes came home last week and we are promoting home reading through our (Positive Behaviour for Learning ) PBL focus at school.
A great bedtime activity to do with your children is reading, or Mathletics on a tablet earlier in the evening if you choose this option. If you have older children and they are reading or learning more independently, make sure you are checking in with them and discussing what they are reading or learning about. If you are having trouble with too much screen time we encourage you to make a deal with your children - 20 minutes of reading or Mathletics before being able to have their free play time is a fair deal.
School Arrival Times
Please note that supervision for children begins at 8:25 unless you are doing strength and conditioning which starts at 8:15. Any arrival before this time without parent supervision is too early, and your children are unsupervised in that circumstance.
Afternoon Pick Up
Sincere thanks to those families who have pushed back their drive through pick up times to a little later in the day, it has eased the pressure in the pick up zone.
Thank you also to the parents who have followed the request to wait at the tree instead of going up to the top COLA, this has increased our ability to supervise your children and safely manage a very busy departure routine at the end of the school day.
Principal's Awards
Ayce Callaghan - 4M
Achieving learning goals in reading.
Joel Vaiciurgis - 5BG
Consistently completing his maths and reading journals every week.
Nahla Singh - 4M
Consistent positive role model throughout all school activities.
Luke Kirkland - 4/5WP
Commitment to learning.
Sarina Uddin - 4/5WP
Resilience and dedication to learning.
Lily Arnott - 1L
For being an engaged learner achieving excellent results.
Olivia Clayton - 3N
Always being a positive role model and outstanding school citizen.
Lacey Sticker - 3N
Outstanding commitment to all areas of her learning.
Grace Burnett - 3N
Outstanding commitment to both home reading and her school work.
Harley Hampton - KH
Harley has been working hard to smile and greet others during break times. Harley displays a happy face when interacting with students and teachers.
Monique Dootson - 6D
Monique displayed a persistent and positive attitude when faced with a challenge concept during weaving lessons.
Nick Kocek - KH
Nicholas is an outstanding learner. He is committed to challenging himself and consistently displays a positive and eager attitude towards his learning.
Emmy Goddard - 2/3B
Emmy is constantly committed to doing her best learning.
Ethan Masling - 6G
Showing leadership during kindergarten transition.
Harper Morison - 6D
Excellent work preparing and presenting their first debate.
Isla Williams - 6D
Excellent work preparing and presenting their first debate.
Josephine Zariquiey - 6G
Excellent work preparing and presenting their first debate.
Mahli Plummer - 6G
Excellent work preparing and presenting their first debate.
School Photos
School photos have been sent home. For additional orders or if you missed out please see information below.
Declaration for Child Related Work
It is a Child Protection requirement that the school gets all volunteers to complete the attached form. If you volunteer at the school, please either print the applicable form below or call into the office for a hard copy. Your assistance with this very important matter is greatly appreciated.