Term Dates/Important Dates

2024 Term Dates



Term Dates 2024

Term 1- 29th January- 28th March

Term 2- 15th April- 28th June

Term 3- 15th July- 20th September

Term 4- 7th October- 20th December



Term 2 








Wednesday 19th 

-Campaspe Boys Football Tournament


Friday 21st

-Round 3 Interschool Sports ( Year 5/6)


Monday 24th- Friday 28th 

-Naidoc Week





Wednesday 26th

-Specialist Showcase- 12pm- 1.40pm (out of school uniform day- student wear their performance clothes) Everyone welcomed

-Prep and Year 1/2 Swimming form and money due back to school


Friday 28th

-School PJ Day (students are able to wear their PJ's to school, Gold Coin Donation)

-Last day of term 1.30pm finish 


Friday 19th

-Round 4 Interschool Sports ( Year 5/6)


Monday 22nd- Friday 26th

- Prep Swimming (11-12.30pm)

-Year 1/2 Swimming (12.20pm- 2.15pm)


Tuesday 23rd

-Campaspe Girls Footy Carnival (selected students)


Wednesday 24th

-Incursion Performing Arts permission and money due back to school ( All students)


Friday 26th

-Round 5 Interschool Sports (Year 5/6)


Tuesday 30th

-Incursion Performing Arts -Beats and Pieces ( All Students)