Classroom Happenings

Year 5/6 - Measurement
During Maths this week students have been learning about length and converting between units of measurement.
Year 2/3/4
This week the Grade 2/3/4 students have been exploring 3D Shapes. In a problem solving learning task we built rocket ships using 3D nets and had to include a cylinder, pyramid and twice as many prisms as pyramids.
Foundation/ Year 1
In Foundation and Year 1 we have been participating in our phonics program daily. Foundation students have been learning about the most common sound that each letter makes and have almost learnt the sounds for all 26 letters of the alphabet. Year 1 have continued to develop their knowledge about digraphs (two letters that make one sound), this week they have started learning about the bossy 'e' (split vowel digraph) and how the e at the end makes the vowel say its name.
In Mathematics students have been using tally marks to collect information about their favourite things and then put the data into a picture graph. We have also been learning about time with a focus on days of the week and months of the year. This week we have been investigating analogue clocks and have been reading the clocks to the half-hour.
In Inquiry, we have had a biological science focus this term. Students have enjoyed learning all about animals, what they need to survive and their habitat.