School Calendar

Week Eleven
Tuesday 25th June
Feast of Sacred Heart Mass at 12 pm (all SHS community welcome to attend)
Friday 28th June : Last day of Term 2, 2.30 pm finish.
Week 1
Monday 15th July
First Day of term three
Week 2
Monday 22nd July
Week 3
Tuesday 30th of July
- 100 Days of School for Foundation students
- Parent & Carer Community Meeting at 3.30 pm in the School Library
Other dates to note for Term Three so far -
Week Five
- Monday 12th August - Pupil Free Day (no school for students). Parent Teacher Meetings throughout the day.
- Book Fair
Week Six - Book Week
- Story evening
- Book week dress up/parade
Week Seven
- Friday 30th August Father's Day Breakfast and Liturgy
Week Nine
- Monday 9th September - Student Pupil Free Day/Staff Spirituality Day