School Photos

SCHOOL PHOTOS 2025                                                                     


Our annual school photos were taken by Arthur Reed Photos on Wednesday, 5th February. 

Our next photo day is Friday 14th February. Students who were absent for their portrait on Wednesday can go to the PAC to have their photo taken.

Arthur Reed Photos uses an electronic system where all ordering is done online after photo day and includes being able to view your child’s images.

There will be no need to order or return any forms to the School prior to photography.

To view/purchase your images online, you will need to register your details using a unique ordering code which was distributed to your child on Wednesday. The code has also been emailed to parents. Please note, that if you have multiple students at the school, each one will have their own unique code.



Sibling photos will be taken on Friday, 14th February.

Bookings are required for a sibling photo.



*please note that sibling photo bookings will close at 12pm on Thursday 13th February

When all images/photography are complete and in the “Webshop”, those parents who have registered online, will be notified via SMS and email that their images are ready to view and order.


All orders through Arthur Reed Photos are mailed home directly to families.

Arthur Reed Photos has a Customer Service Team in place who will be able to assist you with any queries. Customer service can be contact via email or phone. / 5243 4390 (option 1)