VCE News and Key Dates

On behalf of all VCE staff I would like to welcome our VCE students and families to 2025.

In the first week of school Year 11 and 12 students have attended assemblies where expectations for the year were outlined. A summary of some key points are below:

  • Use of Compass, Teams and student email is expected as important information will be communicated via these platforms.
  • All Year 11 & 2 students are to use the library for their study periods. Students are required at school by 9am every day for the start of Period 1, regardless as to whether they have scheduled classes or not, unless they have in lieu study periods due to VET.
  • Students may leave the school premises only after their final scheduled class each day.
  • Attendance in all classes is closely monitered to ensure students are meeting the minimum VCAA class time requirements. Students must provide adequete documentation for an absence to be ‘VCE Approved’, for example a medical certificate where necessary. Students whose approved attendance drops below 90% are at risk of receiving a “Not Satifactory” result for the unit. 
  • It is an expectation students are completing homework regularly. For Year 11 students this is recommended at 8 hours per week, and for Year 12 students 12 hours per week. 


If you would like clarification on any of the above please see the full VCE handbook emailed to students and guardians earlier this week. We will also be running a VCE Parent Information Session on Tuesday February 11 at 6pm in the PAC. If there are specific things you would like covered in this session please complete this form so we can ensure we are answering all questions:


I would also like to congratulate Year 12 students on their exemplary behaviour at Year 12 camp last week. They bonded with their classmates as they gear up for a big year!


Ms Jess Scannell

VCE Leader