
Music News


Welcome back to Music for 2025! A big welcome to students and families new to the program.

Lessons started this week for all students, and senior ensembles are already hard at work in rehearsals.

Beginning Band rehearsals start next week, 8am on Wednesday morning. A reminder that instruments are stored in the bandroom during the day, and can be dropped off before school after 8.30am. Before this time the band room is locked, so please don’t leave instruments outside!

Lesson times for all students are on Compass, and times will rotate throughout the week for students in the Ensemble program.

Students learning with Nadine, Eli, Pat or Jo will have a lesson on the same day each week, but at a time that rotates through the day.

Places are still available for private lessons on Voice, Piano, Guitar, Drumkit and Bass guitar.

See Ms Humphrey in the bandroom to get an application form for private lessons.




18 students from Belmont High attended the annual Geelong Summer Music Camp this year, the most from any state school in the region! Over the week they rehearsed, did electives, and wrapped up the week with a fantastic concert at Costa Hall. Congratulations to all these students for representing our school with such distinction! We are excited to have these students bring new skills and knowledge back into our music program.


There are two places still available in our no-cost Year 7 French Horn option– this is a fabulous way to access the program, so please see Ms Humphrey if you are interested in taking up one of these spots.


A reminder that fees for the program are paid through Compass, and this year you have the option to pay in instalments through Compass.


Music Support Group


New (and current!) families in the music program are warmly invited to our first Music Support meeting for the year, on February 26th at 7.30pm in the Bandroom.

 Music Support is a wonderful group of parents who support the music program as volunteers at our music events, running our fabulous Winter and Spring Concerts, and raising funds so that we can provide music experiences to music students at BHS. 

You are able to join Music Support even if you can’t attend meetings, as we are always looking for new ideas, and pairs of hands to help out at events! Please make contact with our Music  Support Group:


The first meeting for this group will be on February 26th at 7.30pm in the BHS band room. All parents are welcome!

Our first concert for this term will be GEMFEST, involving our Jazz Band, Junior Rock band and small ensembles drawn from Years 7-9. Stay tuned for further details!

On April 2nd our Beginning Band concert and Welcome BBQ is on in the BHS PAC. On this night, Year 7 students show off their newfound skills on their instruments, and families enjoy a welcome BBQ after the concert. 

More details will be sent out closer to the time - but save the date!