Principal's Report

Report from our Principal: Duncan Arendse

Dear Parents, Friends and Father Arsenio,


It was wonderful to greet our students and families last week. The mixture of returning families coupled with a healthy intake of new families bodes well for our community. I appreciate the work of the staff too, in preparing for the year ahead over the break period.


Ashleigh Griggs (year 1), Elouise Kerr (year 6),  Sharree Keats (prep), Kirsty Purcell (year 3 sharing with Britt) and Sherridan Leeson (Bursar) have all joined our staff for this year. We also welcomed back Melissa Manders and Andrea Frixou.


A reminder that our School Leadership Team is composed of:

Kayla (DP and T&L leader), Rachel (DP and Learning Diversity leader), Corinne (Literacy and RE leader) Ben (Maths and Wellbeing leader) and myself. 


One of the main work loads for the team this year is based on the Review scheduled for term 4. This process allows us to set a school Improvement Framework for the next four years for our school. From this we derive our Annual Action Plan each year. If you would like to know more please don't hesitate to ask.


Finally, Parent /Teacher interviews are being held shortly. At these the teacher will cover three main points. 1. What they know about your child, what your child will be focussing on and the third aspect is anything else you would like us to know. They will be held on line again however this is an option for face to face meetings.


Have a great week
