A Message from the Principal

Mrs Pauline Long

Dear Parents and Carers,


Important Message from Regina Menz, Director Armidale Catholic Schools.

I encourage all parents/carers to take the time to read the response from our Director, Regina Menz, to the the well publicised media articles about bullying in schools, over recent weeks. 


We are fortunate to have a system of schools with very clear direction from our Living Well Learning Well Framework and also from Catholic Schools NSW with the guidelines to Responding to Violent Behaviour in Children document.  Working in partnership with our families is how we ensure every student feels safe, valued, respected and cared for. Successful learning will occur when students feel a positive connection with their school.



A warm welcome to Phoebe Schultz and family to our school community. Phoebe started in Mrs Crane's Year 1/2 class today and has already settled in happily. 


Kindness Corner

It is heartening to witness our students being kind to one another on the playground. My kindness award this week goes to Eden Kelly and Aela Bowley for their kindness and warm welcome to a new student. 


Year 6 Students

The Year 6 students have a number of fun events to look forward to as they come to the end of their Primary School Education. This Friday 13th December we have the end of year whole school mass at 9.30am in St Brigid's Church; Monday 16th December parents, students and staff join together for the farewell dinner and on Tuesday 17th December the students along with Mrs Bartholomew and Mrs Cortis have the Big Day out in Tamworth. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our Year 6 students for being wonderful role models to our younger students and for being committed to your learning. I hope you enjoy High School and I wish you every success for your future. 


Moving Up Day!

Next Tuesday 17th December all our students will move up to the class they will be in next year.  The class teachers will be:


Year 1/2 Mrs Leisa Crane


Year 3/4 Miss Megan Humphrey


Year 5/6 Mrs Rebecca Hofman & Mrs  Sharnie Meade


Parent /Teacher Interviews

Despite the busy nature of the end of term teachers are keen to meet with parents/carers to talk to you about your child's progress in learning. I strongly encourage you to fill in the online booking system for a face to face meeting. However, if you would prefer a phone interview, please email your child’s teacher and this can be arranged at a mutually suitable time.



Have a happy week.

Pauline Long
