Principal Update

Melissa Mackenzie

I am writing this with nervous anticipation for the first day of school today. 


I am sure that you have also been dealing with the same excitement and anticipation for the new year. I have had a wonderful break and feel refreshed and ready for another fantastic year at APS. I hope you all had a wonderful break too and are ready for the new year.


I would like to thank Shane for all the work he did last week tidying up the grounds and ensuring that the school is clean and tidy. Most of the teachers came in last week and spent time setting up their learning spaces which look engaging and exciting ready for today. All in all we are ready and rearing to go.

"Getting to Know You Interviews" are next week - 4 and 5 February

Parents are asked to make a 10 minute meeting time to meet with the class teacher, with your child on Tuesday or Wednesday after school. This is for all students and is a chance to meet the teacher, briefly discuss strengths and areas wanting to be focused on. The booking system is through Compass and is open from today until Monday night. 

Parent Permissions and Compass

Please keep abreast of notices and Compass alerts for the start of year permissions. Also, if you are planning on being a parent helper it is timely to start the process of seeking a Working with Children Clearance. This is a free online process, you need to nominate APS and you must have this to ‘work’ in the school. A reminder that all volunteers at APS need to sign in at the office and wear a lanyard. 

Dogs in the yard

Please note that our policy states that if parents bring dogs into the yard they must be on a lead at all times and must not be left tied up and unattended at any time. Dogs are not permitted in buildings. APS is a safe and inclusive space for all and as such we respect everyone’s right to not interact with dogs if they choose. 

Locked Gates

A reminder that for safety reasons we will be locking the gates just after 9 am and they will be unlocked just after 3pm each afternoon. The main Yarralea St gate remains open all day and is the entry and exit for students and parents during the day.


I hope you have a lovely week with the return to school.


Kind Regards

Melissa Mackenzie
