Sport and P.E.

In the Classroom -
It was lovely to be back in the classroom this week and to see so many familiar, happy faces after returning from paternity leave!
This week, and over the next few weeks, our F-2 students are preparing for the Olympics Day, which will be taking place in Week 4, by learning and practising some of the skills that they will be using on the day. Meanwhile, our 3-6s have been busy since returning from holidays with athletics trials - triple jump last week and high jump this week. Two of the trickier athletics disciplines to master, Mr. Roast and I have both been so impressed by the efforts and improvements made by our students during these trials. The enthusiasm, positivity and sportsmanship shown by all of our students has been absolutely flawless. This certainly all bodes well for our athletics carnival next week!
Sporting Events
A big few months ahead for BPPS, with a full schedule of sport in Term 3. Our Senior School Athletics Carnival next Monday, will be closely followed by the BPPS Olympics Day on Friday 9th August. The Gymnastics Program then begins in PE classes from Week 5, while in the background we will be working towards District Athletics (2nd September), 5/6 Hoop Time (6th September) and 3/4 Hoop Time (18th September). Lots more information about these events to come, and we will absolutely be calling on parent helpers for both Hoop Time events - so keep your eyes peeled for my emails about this if you are interested in helping for either of these days!
On a personal note, I would just like to thank so many lovely students, parents and families for their well wishes, cards and gifts in the lead up to and after the birth of my daughter, Alana Natalie Wickham. It is truly touching to have received so many fantastic showings of support. I would also like to thank Mr. Parkins and Mr. Roast, who filled my role in my absence. It is never easy stepping into a short term role (especially in the lead up to a Senior School Athletics Carnival), but I greatly appreciate all of the work that they did while I was on leave.
Have a great week!
Philip Wickham