From the Principal

Save the Date - 5th August 2024 Grandparents Day
Mini - Olympics Comes to SFS !!
The hall was a splash of colours of different sports, national flags and athletes as we gathered to get our very own Mini-Olympics off to a memorable start. All the elements of an official Olympic opening were included. We even learnt some French words as we counted down to the start and then rose together to hear Rachel sing the French national anthem with gusto and style!! This was directly followed by a beautiful performance by our school choir. The hall was decorated with the flags of the world and Learning Space 1 led the parade of nations. Every country connected to our students was represented. As each flag entered and was announced children raised their hand to indicate if they had a family connection. We are so fortunate to be enriched by children who represent so many different countries in our very multicultural school.
The Olympic flag was presented to the school by Learning Space 2 and the Olympic oath was taken. We even had our own Olympic torch relay and the lighting of the cauldron. To conclude the ceremony seniors form Learning Space 3 released the doves of peace as we joined in with John Lennon's song Imagine with lyrics that encourage listeners to imagine a world of peace. We aspire to playing various sporting games with good sportsmanship and to live in peace and harmony embracing and being inclusive of all within our community.
We will have a Closing Ceremony after the Para-Olympics conclude. Save the date!! Our Closing will be held on Monday 9th September at 9am. On this day the team scores in each space for our Mini-Olympics will be announced. Thanks to all who sent in a gold coin that will be sent to support our Para-Olympic team in the future. Let the games begin.....
100 Days in Prep
A big congratulations to our amazing Foundation students who completed 100 days of school this week. What a wonderful achievement!
Our Foundation students came to school dressed up as something representing the number “100” – there were many grannies and grandpas amongst the students and staff, as well as some creative representations too!!!!
Students spent the day completing a range of activities including reading stories about the 100th Day of School, reflecting on their year so far, making party hats, singing songs and exploring the number 100 in different ways.
The whole school had the opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge this special achievement at our school assembly in the afternoon. Our Foundation students were presented with a certificate.
It has been a fantastic year so far, with lots of learning taking place. New friendships have formed and our children have participated in many different experiences in their first 100 days at school. A big thank you to the Junior teachers for all their work this year in teaching our Foundation students and to all parents/carers and for your ongoing support. It is truly appreciated.
We look forward to lots more learning and FUN times
during their next 100 days in Prep.
Preparing for 2025
We are commencing the process of making arrangements for 2025, which also includes budgeting and staffing. It is important that if your child is not returning in 2025 that you notify the school in writing. We encourage you to do this now or as soon as possible.
Christine White