Admin Corner

By Jacinta Gaffy

Welcome back to another edition of the Admin Corner!

With Winter well underway our school environment faces some challenges due to the ever-changing Melbourne weather.  One of the issues is that our school oval, although it has approx. 600 metres of drainage under it, when it does rain heavily and over a prolonged period of time, it can be slippery and become muddy. Hence, we recommend that the children bring a spare set of clothes – this includes the older children particularly if they enjoy playing on the oval. 


In addition, a reminder to ensure that all the children’s uniform is labelled as it is very common for children to misplace items. When this occurs, our staff will promptly return named items. 


Should you have any queries or concerns please contact our school office on 9802 9938, or via email at


Yours sincerely,


Jacinta Gaffy