3/4 Area

Denise Diamantopoulos, Sarah Cotton, Sil Khammy, Natasha McKenna, Monique Jones, Maria Rizzo,  Nicole Riley and Viv Matic.

A lot of learning has taken place so far this term in the 3/4 area and we are here to share snippets of our wonderful journeys and discoveries with you! 


In Writing, we learnt different ways to make our narrative pieces interesting. One of these methods is 'Show, Don't Tell'. This means describing how our characters' voice, face and body can do to show how they are feeling. The students in 3/4C collaborated with a partner to produce the following amazing posters for 'Show, Don't Tell'. Excellent work, everyone!

Zac and Adam
Erin and Brian
Jet and Elliott
Audrey and Yassin
Hilal and Diego
Angelo and Mihrimah
Abby and Sophia
Harriet and Georgie
Emma and Chester
Zac and Adam
Erin and Brian
Jet and Elliott
Audrey and Yassin
Hilal and Diego
Angelo and Mihrimah
Abby and Sophia
Harriet and Georgie
Emma and Chester


We also learnt to use a range of conjunctions to create complex sentences. 'I SAW A WABUB' - is the acronym we use to remember what these conjunctions are so that we can incorporate them in our writing. For narrative writing, we continued to use planning template to organise our ideas, whilst also making sure we included details needed to make our stories interesting and exciting. Here are some work samples from 3/4C!

Hilal's - The Icebreaker
Hilal's - The Icebreaker


In Maths, we began our unit of work 'Fractions and Decimals' exploring cuisenaire rods. These colourful rods help us a lot when learning to divide wholes into equal parts. Our Maths lessons are so much fun! 

Finally, Week 5 was Bullying No Way Week. This year's motto was Everyone Belongs! We learnt to understand what bullying is, the importance of kindness and how actions and words can affect others. We learnt that bullying is ongoing, intentional and one-sided and that there are 4 types of bullying: verbal, physical, social and cyber. Here are some responses students in 3/4C did.