Prep Area

Miss Sam Micallef, Mrs Kate Warburton (ES) and Mrs Josie Stocchero


Back in Week 4, Prep students celebrated their 100th day of school with a celebration. The theme this year changed to 101 Dalmatians, and it was so exciting to see so many students and staff get into the spirit and willingness to participate in the celebration of learning which truly is a huge milestone for our Prep students.


The day included activities in both Prep classrooms which allowed students to work with different teachers. With Miss Micallef, Prep students made their own 100 days smarter crowns and a gum ball machine with 100 'gum balls' in it! 


👑100 Days Smarter Crowns 👑

🍭 Gum Ball Machines 🍭


With Mrs Stocchero, Prep students made fruit loop necklaces with 100 fruit loops and an elderly craft of things students wish they can achieve when they are 100. 



There were smiles all around in the Prep corridor throughout the day. Thank you to the parents and families for putting so much effort into making this a wonderful day!  


🌟 PREP A 🌟

 ** I have included photos of everyone who has photo permission  **

☀️ PREP B ☀️

** I have included photos of everyone who has photo permission  **


Mad About Science Incursion

Last Thursday, 15th August, our Prep students were fortunate enough to participate in an amazing science incursion run by the company 'Mad About Science'.  It was a fun and hands-on 90-minute session that looked at chemical reactions and changes. The students loved mixing different liquids together such as vinegar and cabbage water with bicarbonate soda and lots more to see the reactions. Well done to all the students for displaying great manners, curiosity and for being respectful throughout the workshop.