Community Engagement

School Council - Community Engagement Team

Working Bee

Thank you to our 'Volunteers' that attended our 3rd Working Bee this year. Thank you to both Alex and Peter for co-ordinating the day.  


We would also like to make a Thank you to the families who came to do some weeding, cleaning up, and general gardening. The school looks amazing and we appreciated the time that the families who came on the day were able to give to help out. 


Our final Working Bee for this year is on Sunday 17th November. It would be great to see as many families as possible at this final WB for 2024.




Father's Day Stall & Special others

We are still calling for some volunteers to help on the Wednesday at the stall. We are trialling a new system and hopefully it will be finished by 11.30am.

If anyone can help out Tuesday afternoon from 2.15pm to set up the stall this would be greatly appreciated.

Without family volunteers, events like these may not be able to continue for our students.