Boite Choir

Boite Schools Chorus 2024
“Los Niños - The Children”
WHERE? Melbourne Town Hall
WHEN? Thursday 8th August, 1.00pm
WHO? Years 1-6 students whose parental permission has been received
Huge thanks to our sponsors : Toscanos, Baker’s Delight, Coles – Vic Gardens, BigginScott Real Estate, St Ignatius Parish & Trinity Primary School!!
- Rehearsals
- Every Wednesday, 2.30-3.00pm in MPR – students must commit to weekly rehearsals. Some of these will be longer leading to the concert.
- In-person Polishing Rehearsal - Saturday 27th July - Church of All Nations, 180 Palmerston St Carlton, 10-30am-12.30pm. All participating students are expected to attend this rehearsal. Parents will be responsible for transport. Students will be supervised by Bernadette and a Trinity staff member.
- Home learning
- Students received a booklet with song lyrics at this week’s rehearsal. This will also be sent digitally via Seesaw for reprinting at home if necessary
- YouTube links to the songs have also been provided this week via Seesaw. Please contact Mr Ru if you have any trouble accessing this material.
- Please encourage the kids to listen and learn the songs. Please note the students have been allocated specific parts to learn. It is most important that they only practice their given part.
- At present the parts are:
- Part 1 (upper harmony) – Years 1 and 2 students
- Part 2 (lower melody) – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. (3/4s have been learning Part 1 however I am shifting them to Part 2 to increase numbers in this melody group. The final allocation will be confirmed before the holidays).
- “All Parts” clips present how it all fits together, but please focus on the single part YouTube clips at present, to avoid confusion.
- Own T- shirt
- A primary school student from Brunswick (Isla) won the competition for her image to be displayed on T-shirts for all singers. (Iron-on transfers will be provided at our next in-person rehearsal). In keeping with the theme of sustainability, students are to provide next term, a CLEAN, PLAIN, coloured T-shirt (not black pleas; white is finer, colour even better) with NO WRITING OR ANY IMAGES on them. Feel free to re-use a shirt you already own or find one at an op-shop if it matches the requirements!
- Teachers/helpers will then iron them on and Bernadette will collect them, keep them and take them to the performance. (In the past things have been misplaced at home). Please make sure students have labelled their names on T-shirts. And let me know if you’d like to be part or the ironing party!
- Bottom half of the performance uniform is ALL BLACK – pants or skirts/shorts with black tights. No bare legs. Black socks and shoes.
- Tickets are now available for purchase!
- Link:
For more information, feel free to contact Mr Ru at school, or Bernadette on 0414 858 738 or, and watch this space!