Student Learning
Annabelle Marinelli - Deputy Principal | Learning and Teaching Leader
Student Learning
Annabelle Marinelli - Deputy Principal | Learning and Teaching Leader
Welcome back to another great term at Trinity! It was so lovely to see our children and families on Monday morning, bursting with excitement to be back at school after our mid year break. We also welcome new students and families who have joined our Trinity community in Term 3.
We are off to a wonderful start with our Prep students quickly engaged in discovery literacy learning again after the break....
The Learning Overviews for Term 3 are attached below and to our Principal's News page. We encourage you to read these, as the overviews will outline the learning that will take place at each year level for this term.
There are many exciting learning experiences that the students at Trinity will participate in this term. On top of the daily learning from the Victorian Curriculum, students will engage in additonal learning experiences including our annual Book Week, our biennial School Production, senior sporting gala events, Sex Ed 4 School program for our senior stduents, and of course there will be learning around the Paris Olympics which will be interwoven through our Literacy, Numeracy and Inquiry units.
The Year 3-6 classes will also be engaging in a Literacy Pilot program that is being offered through MACS. New class novels have been purchased so that students can engage deeply with this literature study. Our Prep to Year 2 students continue to engage in Liitle Learners Love Literacy with is a synthetic phonics program with a Science of Learning approach balanced with engagement in rich literature.
This term, in Week 6, we will be celebrating Book Week. We have some exciting events planned for the week including our annual Dress Up Parade. Students may like to dress up as their favourite book character or dress up as something related to this year's theme 'Reading is Magic'. The whole school parade will be held on Wednesday 21st August at 9am.
We are also very fortunate to have two guest speakers during this week:
Andrew Plant (Author and Illustrator) Years Prep- 2
Wednesday 21/8
Sher Rill Ng (Illustrator) Year 3 -6
Friday 23/8
Home Learning begins again this week for all year levels. At Trinity we value Home Learning and encourage student participation. We follow our Home Learning Policy which is informed by current educational research:
We do understand that some families value home learning and some families do not place the same value on this, and therefore we respect families individual choices and situations. Our policy attempts to cater for this diversity. The home learning allocated aims to meet the varying learning needs of all students.
If you feel that the home learning for your child is not meeting your child's needs, that they need support or additional challenge, please see your child's teacher who will be very happy to chat about with this.
Home reading is an important part of our Home Learning Policy. Each day teachers ensure students are taking home books at their appropriate reading level to practise reading skills such as decoding, comprehension or fluency at home.
Children in the early stages of reading, will take home readers at reading levels appropriate for the child. These readers focus heavily on decoding words. For students in Years Prep to 2, we would encourage students to read with a family member. For students who are more proficient, independent readers, they will be focussing on their understanding of the text (comprehension) and fluency.
All students are expected to read each night. Students should have their home reading signed by a family member, and the reading logs/diaries will be checked by teachers at school each day.
The home learning comprises of literacy (including SMART Spelling) or numeracy activities as well as Religion, Inquiry or Family Engagement activities. These home learning activities give students the opportunity to reinforce learning that happens at school and to engage families in their learning.
If you have any questions or concerns about Home Learning we encourage you to talk with your child's teacher.
National NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year, to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations of the oldest, continuous living cultures on earth. At Trinity each class partcipates in learning about First Nations cultures and histories as part of the learning from our Victorian Curriculum.
In 5/6BOC the students have been learning about NAIDOC Week and what this years theme 'Keep the Fire Burning' means. Students were tasked with researching and sharing their understandings using a medium or platform of their choosing. The students asked insightful and thought provoking questions and engaged in meaningful discussions about why NAIDOC Week is so important.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) 2024 reports were released to schools this week. An individual report for each Year 3 or Year 5 student who participated in NAPLAN in 2024 will be sent home in a sealed envelope with your child tomorrow on Friday 19th July.
To assist parents and carers in understanding the NAPLAN reporting, an information brochure for parents and carers can now be downloaded from the VCAA website. The information brochure for parents and carers is also available in other languages.
If you wish to speak with your child's teacher or myself about their NAPLAN results or need help reading the data and understanding the results, please do not hesitate to be in touch.
Next Thursday morning, from 8:45am, we are looking for some helpers to help contact some of the new novels (120 of them) that have been purchased to support our literacy program. If you think you might be able to help for an hour or two, Barb would really appreciate the help in the library. The sooner we can have these books catalogued and contacted the sooner we can use them in the classrooms. Thanks so much!
If at any time you would like to chat about the learning at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher, or myself.
Annabelle Marinelli
Deputy Principal | Learning and Teaching Leader