Principal's News

Prayer: Naidoc Week Opening Prayer
Father of all,
You gave our Aboriginal People the Dreaming
You have spoken to them through their beliefs,
You then made your love clear to them in the person of Jesus.
We thank you for your care of these people.
You own them. You are their hope.
Make them strong as they face the problems of change
We ask you to help us, the people of Australia,
To listen to them and respect their culture.
Make the knowledge of you grow strong in all people
So that you can be at home in all of us,
And so that we can make a home for everyone in our land.
Dear Families,
It is good to be back at school after what I hope has been a peaceful two weeks and an opportunity for our children to recharge their batteries ready for what promises to be an exciting and busy Term 3. At our Monday morning gathering, I confidently asked our children to raise their hands if they had loved being on holidays and of course I was met with an overwhelming response that yes the holidays were great. I then more nervously asked our children if they also loved being back at school and I believe almost as many hands went up in a positive yes. It is great to know that our children genuinely love to be at school and see Trinity as a positive place of learning and of course friendship.
Congratulations to all our children who led conversations about their learning at the end of Term 2, and from what I have heard, this was a great success and enjoyed by both parents and children. These opportunities are a great way of ensuring our children can take ownership of their learning and also be able to now set goals for Term 3 and work towards these over the next ten weeks. Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend the Student Led Conversations as this is an important part of sharing the learning journey of each of our children.
Naidoc Week: ‘The most beautiful outcomes’: Louise Luu
Recently, to celebrate NAIDOC week, our very own Louise Luu was interviewed by Melbourne Catholic Archdiocese to share her amazing story. It is a wonderful read and very inspiring and so I have included a link below.
‘The most beautiful outcomes’: Louise Luu on… | Melbourne Catholic
Louise's role with Melbourne Archdioces has also given the chance to participate in initiatives such as the Building Bridges program, which allowed her to join a recent Zoom meeting with Pope Francis. ‘My contribution to that conversation was getting the people in my group to just be aware that prejudice still exists, even though we think it doesn’t,’ she says. And on Sunday 7 July, as a proud Wangkangurru Yarluyandi and Gunditjmara woman, with her son watching on, she stood at the front of St Patrick’s Cathedral before the annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mass and gave an Acknowledgement of Country, which she describes as ‘a huge moment’.
Mobile Phones & Devices
As parents of children in 2024 I am aware of the challenge social media places on our children and the difficult work we have as parents ensuring that we protect them from being exposed to inappropriate content and harmful messages. At Trinity we are aware that some children have mobile phones or Smart (Apple) watches, however, these must be handed in to the office first thing in the morning and collected after school. No children should have access to mobile devices during the day and so I encourage you to repeat this message at home so that our children are aware of the expectation and are not accessing devices until after school.
Term 3 Highlights
As I hope you are all aware, this term we will be having our whole school concert which is scheduled for Monday 16th September at the Hawthorn Arts Centre. Ms Stanton has already been working hard with our children in preparation and I am sure you will all be hearing much more about this in the coming weeks.
On Tuesday 30th July our Prep students will be celebrating '100 days of Prep' and we look forward to this special milestone in the school journey.
On Friday 2nd August we will be formally farewelling Mrs Julie Boffa who will join us for assembly and a gathering after school in the library. I am sure many of you, especially those who have known Mrs Boffa for a long time, will appreciate the opportunity to join us to say farewell and congratulations on what has been an outstanding career.
There are of course many other important events throughout the term and so please keep an eye on the School Community Calendar.
Child Safety - Bullying
At Trinity we take the care and safety of each of our children very seriously and have in place policies and procedures to manage student behaviour, discipline and responses to any incidents of inappropriate behaviour and bullying. We encourage you to speak to your children and remind them that it is important that they always speak up if they see or hear anything which we know is not in line with our school's positive behaviours for learning plan.
Throughout the term and on a daily basis class teachers and school leaders provide opportunities for children to develop social skills, raise concerns and work towards ensuring Trinity Primary School is a safe place for all its members.
Term Learning Overviews
Please find below our Term 3 Learning Overviews for each level. Ms Marinelli will also include them in her Student Learning Page. These overviews provide information about what our children will be learning in each of the curriculum areas throughout the term. Please take the time to read through the appropriate level as this will also help you in supporting your child's learning at home.
Prep 2025 - Enrolments & School Tours
We are now beginning to finalise enrolments for Prep 2025 and are very positive about the growth in enrolments we have seen so far. I believe that all the hard work we have done as a school community to promote Trinity through our School Fete, 100 Year Celebration, Playgroup and of course the work we do with our local kinders as well as the very positive word of mouth we receive in the local community. All of these things require a huge effort from all of us and so I thank you all for the great work done in this area.
Academy of Mary Immaculate APPLICATIONS CLOSING
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Ms Kate Foley an email.
- Dance Factory - Dance Classes
- EXTEND - Out of Hours School Care
- FC Melbourne X Strike Soccer Local soccer club in Richmond
Get in contact to learn more! Join our exciting club teams in 2024
text or call 0405 765 943 - First Year Registration is FREE
Nigel Rodrigues