Religious Education

Feast Days.....
After a lovely celebration on Friday 26 July celebrating St Anne and St Joachim's Feast day we have celebrated two more Feast Days. St Ignatius of Loyola's Feast Day is 31 July and St Mary Mackillop of the Cross' Feast day is today 8 August. These Saints are close to our hearts at St Anne's.
To celebrate our students have learnt about these two Saints in our classrooms. Two of our Houses are named after these saints and the children in these Houses gathered together, prayed and enjoyed some extra play time.
Feast of the Assumption: Thursday 15 August
All families are welcome to join us in the Church at 9.15am for our Whole School Mass.
Sacramental Program
First Eucharist
We wish our children celebrating their First Eucharist over the next few weeks all the best. They are in our prayers as they take this important step in their lives.
Mass attendance dates are:
August 10/11, 17/18, 24/25, 31
September 1,7/8, 14/15.
Retreat Day: Friday 11 October. Information to come closer to the date
Celebration Day: Saturday 12 October 6pm.
Caritas Thanks You