Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 3.11.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Thomas F


Miss Belanti

For having a happy spirit and giving new activities a go. Well done Thomas!
Maia P


Miss Mihocic

For her use of the 6+1 writing traits in her persuasive piece. I have loved reading your work! 
Harvey K


Miss Ravanello

For developing confidence and creativity in your writing. I love the way you have successfully used tools to enhance your writing. Keep it up Harvey!


Mrs Peel

For applying the HOM. Rouza you always persist and have a proactive approach with your learning. It's inspiring. Well Done, Rouzah!
Sally Rose H


Mrs McNamara

For engaging with learning and sharing your knowledge during whole class discussions. Well done Sally Rose!
Ava M  1B

Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For giving all activities in PE a go and being a great role model.
All my artists 


Mrs Garro

Congratulations to all of my amazing artists at School of the Good Shepherd for completing  beautiful art in our 2023 Arts celebration this year. You are the best! 

Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 10.11.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Arielle D


Miss Belanti

For working in a team to research and collect information on Australian animals! Great work Arielle.
Lilly C


Miss Accaputo

For your role model approach to your learning as you persist and remain focused with all tasks. Amazing work Lilly!
Chaniece D


Miss Mihocic

For your amazing progress in reading and showing that you are applying your strengths independently!
Estelle R


Miss Macri

For using your special learning book to assist you with writing and taking responsibility to add to your knowledge independently. 


Mrs Peel

For persistently working on your persuasive writing about Tasmania Devil's. You have actively embraced feedback to improve and level up your writing.  Well Done Taylah!
Cassandra T


Mrs Carey

For taking on feedback and applying all suggestions to improve your writing. Well done Cassandra!
Sofia P


Mrs McNamara

For your motivation and determination to achieve your writing goals by including more connectives while writing. Brilliant work Sofia!
Cristiano T


Miss Lee

For always using the HOM ‘Striving for Accuracy’ in Mathematics. Well done!
Alix D


Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For showing excellent listening skills during PE and being a persistent learner.
Sally-Rose H (5B)


Mrs Zaffina

For your consistent high level of participation in all Italian classes and for your OUTSTANDING level of performance during our Italian concert item! Bravissima Sally-Rose!
Emma S (3B) 


Miss Paige

For developing such a creative new and improved Melbourne City! Seeing your creativity and dedication come to life through these amazing drawings has been great to see. Well Done Emma!
Lily 6A 


Mrs Garro

Lily you continue to show enthusiasm and dedication to complete your art work.  Well done Lily.


Reason to celebrate! School Value demonstrated 17.11.23 Student of the week is awarded to..

Chloe P


Miss Belanti

For showing kindness and being open to building new friendships with our Prep community. Great work Chloe!
Alexis S


Miss Accaputo

For your curiosity towards your learning as you embrace every task with a positive attitude, and for all the hard work you put into your learning. Thank you for being a role model in 1A!
Zion W


Mrs John

For displaying the Habit of Mind “Persist’ while working on improving your handwriting. Superb Work, Zion!
Joel V


Miss Mihocic

For pushing yourself to use amazing word choices when writing to persuade an audience to visit the iconic Melbourne Aquarium. Keep it up Joel!
Jude S


Miss Dicello

For showing great enthusiasm, participation and sportsmanship during 'Out and About day!'
Lia S


Miss Ravanello

For consistently making good choices, being a positive role model in our class and working hard both independently and with your peers. Love your work Lia! 
Gabrielle L


Miss Macri

For being proactive and becoming more confident to ask the teachers clarifying questions towards your learning. Well Done Gabby!
Thomas B


Mrs Peel

By persistently working on your persuasive writing about the Quokka. Thomas you have actively embraced feedback to improve and level up your writing.  Well Done Thomas!
Lola B


Miss Lee

For following the ‘Positive Learner Identities’ to create a great letter in writing. Well done!
Juilia S PB


Mrs Dalton- Year Prep-2 

For always trying your very best in PE and having a positive attitude.  
Deanna F (2A)


Mr Steve

For trying your best and bringing awesome energy to music class. Well done!
Xavier K (2A)


Mrs Zaffina

For always trying your very best in all Italian classes and always having a very positive attitude! Bravissimo Xavier!
Raymond S (6A) 


Miss Paige


For creating such a detailed “Sensory Pathway.” You have incorporated all 3 movements that are required in a creative and fun way! Awesome effort Raymond!