Grade 5/6G

This year, we have all learned so much together. It has been so delightful to watch the children all become a close-knit community. They have learned to appreciate and celebrate each other’s’ differences. 


We couldn’t be prouder of our Grade Six students who have been amazing leaders and role models for our school community, especially to the Grade Five students, who are well and truly ready to take over the reins.  We wish the Grade Six students every success next year in secondary school and congratulate them on their graduation from primary school.


This year could not have been made possible without the support of all the families of our students and we thank you so much for your ongoing support.  It  has been a pleasure to have your treasures in our room.


As we reflect back over 2023 we think of all the new experiences, new friends and the many new memories that we have created. They are all something that will stay with us for a lifetime as we all journey our separate ways.


Finally, we would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a safe relaxing holiday as we look forward to 2024.



Mrs. Lynda Griffin, Mrs. Christie Draper & Mrs. Raff Sampson