Grade 3/4WY

As the school year comes to a close, I want to thank you for sharing your pride and joy with me this year. Thank you for all the support that you have given to me. Thank you for getting up early to make sure your child made it to school on time, for taking the time to read and sign all the notes and forms that have come home, for packing all those lunches and for helping your child with their reading at home.


Reflecting on this year in the classroom fills me with a sense of joy and pride. We have met the challenges of 2023 admirably – especially when we made a quick change to work in the hall for a few weeks and then returned to a different classroom. The children proved that they were, and still are, resilient, patient and positive when faced with uncertainty. It has been a pleasure to see each child grow academically, socially and emotionally this year and I know that they will continue to grow in 2024.


May you be blessed with a happy and holy Christmas. I hope you and your family enjoy the holiday break and have a happy New Year.


Kind regards,

Mrs. Cathie Walsh & Mrs. Linda D'Agostino