Grade 1/2BH

The end of the school year is fast approaching with many events & celebrations still ahead of us. 


The children are very excited about their upcoming excursion/camp experience to the Mansfield Zoo this Thursday 7th December. Once we have returned to school, the children will take part in a variety of fun activities, followed by pizza for tea before preparing for their night time routine.


It has been such a joy travelling together through 2023. We would like to thank our families for their constant support…thank you for cheering on your children, believing in them and challenging them to give their best. 


We are overjoyed with the hard work the children have put in this year and are so proud of their accomplishments. 


Wishing our families all the very best for the remainder of 2023.


May you all enjoy a peace filled Christmas. 


Mrs. Corena Bennett, Mrs. Kate Hutchinson, Mrs. Celia Craven & Mrs. Jenny Kittelty