
2023 has been a year of growth and discovery for the Foundation children. We have had many learning adventures together from beginning the Sounds-Write program in Term One to exciting performances at the Wangaratta PAC, Traffic School, planting flowers in the garden, a Teddy Bear’s picnic on our lovely oval and many many more. We begin each day in our classroom by sharing what we are grateful for and now looking back at the year that has just passed, we have much to be grateful for. The children have grown not just physically but academically and socially. We have learnt how to work co-operatively as a group, to share, to be kind to each other, to wait our turn and look after our property but most importantly we have learnt about the joy that comes from belonging to our beautiful school community at Our Lady’s. 


We thank you for your support throughout the year and the trust you have placed in us as your children’s first teachers and we wish you all a wonderful Christmas and many blessings for the year ahead.  



Mrs. Fran Dayman, Mrs. Clare Kirby & Mrs. Helen Millar


And who can forget...from the 1st edition of our new newletter, our Foundation students in their first week of school! Wow these kids have grown!