Principal's Item 

Message from the Principal

Dear parents, carers and friends of EEPS,

I wonder if you have been following the ‘peacock story’? I have had several parents keeping the school up to date, in case we missed it on social media. For those of you who don’t know, one of the peacocks escaped from Monstalvat and was roaming the Eltham streets, including the Grove Street reserve. Luckily, after a lot of effort and community support the peacock was returned! It is a reminder of what a lovely part of the world we live in.


Family end of year / Christmas picnic

We are excited to warmly welcome our EEPS students and families to our 2023 end of year / Christmas family picnic this Thursday, 7th December, 5.00-7.00 pm. Please bring along your own picnic and rug or picnic chairs. We will be selling icy poles on the night. The approximate outline of musical items looks like this:

5:30pm Strings perform Jingle Bells

5:40pm Choir perform 3 Christmas songs

5:55pm Percussion Ensemble perform some Christmas tunes on BoomWhackers 

6:15 pm – My Tyndall on his ukulele for an informal sing-along - 

I look forward to seeing many of you there on the night!


2024 Student Leadership

At assembly this week we announced the 2024 student leadership team.  Formal leadership positions are determined through a process of self-nomination, written application, speeches and student voting system. The focus throughout the process remains on the skills and attributes students have demonstrated that support and enhance our school values of Enjoyment, Teamwork, Respect, Resilience and Learning. 


Over the last 3 years we have changed the voting system for the School Captains- from a system of one boy and one girl to the two highest rated candidates overall. Next year, for the first time, we have two girls, which is also reflective of the slighter higher percentage of girls applying for positions.


We, once again, had a very large number of nominees this year, which of course naturally means that there are then more people who miss out on a role. Fortunately, at EEPS we value the importance of building leadership qualities among all our students and therefore provide a range of opportunities for Year 6s to contribute as leaders of the school. A Leadership Program throughout the year, Public Speaking Lessons and Gratitude Projects are just a few examples Year 6 students get to demonstrate and strengthen their leadership qualities. We are so proud of all students who nominated for a position showing a willingness and commitment to give back to their school community. We thank Miss Deards for her coordination and to all the Year 5 teachers who supported and encouraged students through the process. Many congratulations to your 2024 student leaders.


School Captains- Sienna G and Ella W

 Junior School Council & CORE Leaders- Indie R and Harper M

Sustainability Leaders- Zoe E and Armin V

Cultural Leaders-Aisha Z and Wesley C 

Library Leaders- Mila L and Ryan S

Technology Leaders- Nikita M and Tristan B

Visual Arts Leaders – Hannah Patterson, Rosie D and Ronan O 

Performing Arts Leaders – Maddie S and Oliver N

Peer Support Leaders- Zara R and Archie B

Norman House Leaders – Evie J and Noah D

Bradman House Leaders – Mila C and Martin A

Fraser House Leaders – Charli H and Angus K

McKay House Leaders – Olive S and Thomas H


I thank each and every one of our successful candidates for their commitment to uphold our school values, including abiding by the stated social media policy and to act as a role model for other students both within their cohort and throughout the school.


Market Day

Our ‘world famous’ (or at least ‘ EEPS famous’) Year 6 Market Day is on again this week as part of the Year 6 Gratitude Project. Each year the students raise a substantial amount to donate to some very worthy causes. Please take the time to read the short article elsewhere in the Newsletter, complete with a catalogue of stalls!


Outstanding sports results

A special congratulations to Jamie R in Year 6 for her results at the School Sports Australia Nationals in Tasmania 10 days ago. Jamie won silver in the 100 metres and the 4 x 100m relay, with some great PBs. To top an outstanding year off she also was the national champion in the 200m with a massive PB. The school is very proud of Jamie’s’ achievement throughout the last few years.


Whole School Transition

Next Tuesday 12th December is the whole-school transition day. This allows the students to become familiar with their new classmates, meet their new teacher and learn about some of the new and exciting features of their new year level, both with the teaching and learning and the co-curricular offerings. The students will be bringing home a letter on this day with the name of their new teacher. The teaching structure will also be published in the newsletter.


Assemblies and Graduation

The final assemblies for 2023 are;

Monday 11th December- presentation to the 2023 school leaders

Wednesday 20th December- Passing of the Keys ceremony and Gratitude Assembly

Parents and friends are most welcome to attend these assemblies.


The next two and a half weeks continue the busy pace- Prep celebrations, Year 2 Day Camp, Year 1 Activity night, Graduation, Prep Breakfast, Transition Day, Market Days and our End of Year / Christmas Family picnic and Passing of the Keys.


As always, the school is indebted to the extremely high level of support that we get from parents and carers.


Have a great week.





Warren Lloyd  
