Highlights of the Week 

 JLC Christmas Assembly

Well done to the JLC children for putting on such a fabulous Christmas assembly last Wednesday.  Here are some highlights...

Slime Spectacular Fun Run

On Monday afternoon children were finally able to participate in the Slime Spectacular Fun Run.  It was a fun, messy and of course, slimey affair....but the children had a fantastic time and enjoyed getting covered head to toe in lots of gooey slime!  


A huge thank you to Denise Konstantinou who arranged the event and to all the wonderful parents and Holy Saviour Alumni  students for helping out on the day.  


Thank you also to all the families who so generously contributed to this fundraiser.  We were able to raise  almost $3,000. This money will go towards the many amazing projects we have planned for the children in 2024.   


Here are some highlights of the day...

Christmas Door Voting

Hopefully everyone had an opportunity to walk through the school this week to admire the Christmas festivities and to vote on their favourite Christmas door. The winning Christmas door was announced yesterday....Congratulations to Mrs Olivia Turner on her amazing Art Room Christmas door! 

Well done to all the other staff and students who put in so much work and effort into creating their Christmas doors too...

Farewell Assemblies

This week we farewelled Ms Toni Edwards and Ms Lucy Reincke at school assemblies. We wish both of these wonderful teachers the very best of luck as they leave Holy Saviour...

Grade 6 Graduation Party

Last night the graduating class of 2023 had their graduation party. Thank you to the grade 6 parent committee for arranging the event. The children had a wonderful time. Here are some highlights of their night... 

Grade 6 Wall

This morning the 2023 Year 6 students added their names to the Holy Saviour mural...Congratulations Grade 6 Children! Good luck next year as you begin High School.