Principal's Message

Dear Families,


On Tuesday, we celebrated our Graduation Ceremony for the students in Year 6. I’d like to share with you some of what I said to the children and families on Tuesday.


As you stand on the edge of a new adventure, remember that the knowledge and skills you've acquired here are not just for passing exams but for facing the challenges life will undoubtedly throw your way. In the wise words of Nelson Mandela, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Use the education you've received here as a foundation for positive change, not only in your own lives but in the lives of others and the world at large.


Reflecting on your time in primary school, you've not only learned essential academic subjects but also important life lessons. You've discovered the value of teamwork, the strength of friendship, and the importance of perseverance. These are lessons that extend far beyond the confines of a classroom, and they will serve you well in the years to come.


I imagined each one of you as a special puzzle piece – unique, colorful, and full of exciting surprises! Just like puzzle pieces, each of you has your own shape, talents, and personality. Alone, you're pretty awesome, but the real magic happens when you all come together. When friends join hands and work as a team, it's like fitting puzzle pieces snugly into place. 


Remember, together, you create a fantastic picture that's so much more exciting and vibrant than any single piece alone.

Grade 6 Graduation and Awards

On Tuesday night we celebrated graduation for the 2023 Grade 6 students. It was a beautiful celebration and trip down memory lane. Special thanks to Rebecca Taylor for all the amazing work she did in getting the night ready. This time of year is extremely busy for all and organising graduation on top of all that is no easy feat.


We also presented three awards at graduation:

The Deakin Shield for Outstanding Academic Achievement presented by Michael Sukkar was presented to Nicholas De La Cruz



The School Sport Victoria Award for Outstanding Academic & Sporting Achievement was presented to Miller Thiedeman



The Stephen Greene Community Spirit Award was presented to Jacob Parisella


Congratulations Nicholas, Miller and Jacob on your awards.

Student Leadership

This morning we celebrated a beautiful end of year mass & assembly for our community. At the assembly, we said farewell to our 2023 Grade 6 children, and presented our 2024 Grade 6 children with their leadership badges. 

We also announced the Captains for 2024. I am pleased to inform the community that Captains for 2024 are:


School Captains: Bethany De Silva and Tom Greene

Biggs House (Blue): Thomas Eddington

Hodgens House (Red): Alex Sujansky

Orchard House (Green): Daniel Inguanti

More House (Yellow): Theresa Pynadath


We congratulate all these children and look forward to an exciting year in 2024 with them as our student leaders. 

December Student Reports

Our December school reports have now been published to the parent portal and are available for you to view. An automated email containing instructions and login details will come from not the school. Please ensure that you check your junk/spam folder for an email from that address.


It is highly recommended that you use a computer to access your child’s reports for the first time. Subsequent logins can be made on a mobile device if preferred.  Once you have followed the instructions, you will be able to view your child’s report online. Once in the portal you will need to choose your child (if you have more than one at our school) and then choose 'Assessment and Reporting'. Then select the year/semester. If you have any questions or issues, please contact the school office.

2023 Fundraising Thanks

I have been extremely humbled yet again by the fundraising efforts of the past twelve months. The total from the fundraising efforts this year (Bunnings BBQs, various food days, Mother’s & Father’s Day stalls, Trivia Night, Slime Spectacular, etc) brings the fundraising total for 2023 to approximately $9,000. I wish to thank the School Advisory Council/Parents & Friends Association for their amazing work and dedication to the fundraising efforts this year, as well as each and every member of our amazing Holy Saviour Community for all you have done to support us this past year.

Google & Facebook Reviews

As we all know, word of mouth is the most important tool for sharing the successes of our school in our local community.  We invite our community to leave a review of Holy Saviour on our Facebook page and on Google. Thank you to the generous families who have already left a review in this space.🙏 

Google Review: 

Facebook Review: 

Enrolments open for 2024/ 2025

Enrolments for 2024/2025 are currently open! If you have a younger child who turns 5 before 30 April 2023/2024, please come and see Sherridan or Kerry in the office for an enrolment form. Also, if you know of anyone else in the community with a child the same age, pass on our contact details– we would love to give them a tour of our fabulous school! At Holy Saviour, every other day is Open Day!


Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications

Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2024 starting Year 7 in 2026

The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2024 who will be starting Year 7 in 2026 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).

The timeline of events and dates are as follows:

29th January 2024 – Applications will open for Year 5 students commencing Year 7 in 2025.

16th August 2024 – Applications will close.

18th October 2024 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.

8th November 2024 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.


Parents of Year 5 students in 2024, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.

Final Thoughts  ~  Christmas Blessings


On behalf of all the staff at Holy Saviour, I would like to wish everyone a very happy, safe and holy Christmas and New Year period. I’m sure, like me, you are all ready for a relaxing break over the next month. If you are travelling, travel well and stay safe. For those of you remaining at home, enjoy the time with your families. I look forward to many exciting experiences with you in 2024.


Kind regards,


Steve Evans
