
What a year!


2023 is done and dusted, at least from a school perspective, but it may not yet be finished for you!


As a school we have celebrated the achievements of our students and are looking forward to Christmas.

At Endeavour College, we believe that every student is exceptional, made in the image of God, valuable, and precious to both God and us. We believe in their potential, in who they are now, and who they are becoming, and we seek to play our part in becoming all God intended them to be.


As we do this, we know that every student will experience good times, and hard times, but we believe that in the hard times they can, with good support and a great environment, still become their best selves.

One example of this is John the Baptist. 

His ‘best self’ was somewhat different to everyone else. He lived in the desert, wore camels hair, and had a diet of locusts and honey. 

But his actions, his care for ordinary people, and his words had people wonder what big role he had to play in God’s kingdom. 

Was he the Messiah, Elijah, or The Prophet?

John felt no need to make himself bigger than what he truly was, for he knew who he was. 

He was a voice calling out in the wilderness. 

He was there to tell people to prepare for the Messiah. He knew his role, and he did it brilliantly. He was willing to experience the good times, and the hard times, and be who God intended him to be, and do what God asked him to do.


Our students have the same capacity. With God’s help, they grow and become all they can be, knowing that Jesus is walking with them as they do so.


This Christmas, as we take a break from school, may you, alongside your child/ren, celebrate all they have done this year. May you also know all that Jesus achieved for you; that in becoming a human, living with us, and dying and rising again for us, he has won for you and for me life and joy. He has demonstrated his love, his courage, his forgiveness and his hope for each and every one of us. May we all, whether in school or not, be willing to be taught by him, every day of our lives, so that we may all know how precious we each are, and also live into the potential God has given each of us.


Merry Christmas.


Pastor Chris

on behalf of the Ministry Team