Principal's Report

Michael Ramsey 

1st December 2023

Mr Ramsey has been on Year 6 Camp this week. 


2024 Parent Payments 

Parent Contributions for 2024 are now open on Compass.


As the Department of Education only provides the school with a limited amount of student-based funding for a basic standard of curriculum delivery, we rely heavily on parent payments and voluntary contributions to develop and maintain the high-quality education programs, resources, facilities, and grounds the school provides.  Parent payments are the difference between providing a full program and doing the bare minimum. 


Therefore for 2024, we ask and encourage you to continue to make a generous contribution to our outstanding school as you have in previous years. Without your support and the subsequent lack of funds, we may have to reduce funding and cut several of our programs and resources. 


The school also puts great care into the presentation of the school grounds, your support enables us to provide a regular maintenance and materials to ensure that the school is always well maintained.


We have greatly appreciated your contributions in the past and hope you continue to do so through your financial support for the 2024 school year. With your continued support, we can continue to maintain and improve our school so that it is the best possible learning environment for our students.


Classes and Teachers for 2024

Our teachers have begun the process of creating classes for 2024. Thanks to those parents that sent an request to myself earlier in the term. The teachers will consider these requests along with many other factors such as student behaviour, academic levels and other areas of need when creating these classes. 


Tuesday 12th December is the whole school transition day. On this day the students will find out their teacher for next year, as well as who is in their class. Students will bring home a slip with their teachers name and the names of some friends in their class on that day. 


Wheelers Hill Primary School will continue to have 28 classes in 2024. Four classes per year level. 


Safety in the School Car Park

Between the hours of 8:00am - 4:30pm the carpark is to be used ONLY by school staff. Please do not use the carpark during this time. There are many places to park your car along Whites Lane or in neighbouring streets. An exception is the disabled parks which are used by a few parents (who are known to the principal), who have disabled parking permits. 


Outside these hours you can use the carpark, with the exception of the parks marked RESERVED (written in white paint on the ground) which are for school leadership only. Those staff need these parks to be free if they have to enter or exit the school at short notice, especially if there is an emergency.


It has also been noticed a number of parents and community members are walking through, or waiting to pick up their children in the carpark. Please do not walk or wait in the carpark for safety reasons. A member of staff will be at the car park this week reminding parents to use the car park safely if required. 


Prep and other year level Enrolments 2024

We still have a few places for prep and in some other year levels next year available (as a few families has moved away from the school). If you have any friends or family that are interested in enrolling in prep or other year levels next year, please contact the office and fill in a application form via the website.


Term 4 Curriculum Days and Last Day of School

There is one more curriculum days in Term 4 on:


Monday 4th December (staff planning day for 2024)


I can't believe it, but the end of the year is fast approaching. The last day of school will be on Wednesday 20th December. Students will be dismissed at the earlier time of 12:50pm.


Michael Ramsey
