Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News Term 4 Week 6
Spend 15 minutes reading. Talk with an adult about your book. Can you draw the setting of your book? Imagine what the surrounds of the characters might look like.
If you had $10 to spend. What would you buy? Research online and pretend that you are purchasing that product. How much change would you get?
Home Inquiry:
Speak with your parents about your local area. Are all the needs of your local area being met?
Learning this week
Jolly Spelling: Year 3: “air, are, ere, ear” as in fair, spare, there. Year 4: prefix “– anti” as in antibody, antisocial.
Jolly Grammar: Year 3: Question marks and exclamation marks in speech. Year 4: Infinitives.
Writer’s Workshop: Students will explore Persuasive Writing for the remainder of the year. We will be focusing on text structure, paragraphs and using descriptive vocabulary to convince others. Students will be preparing an oral presentation in the form of a proposal which links with our How We Organise Ourselves unit of inquiry.
Reader’s Workshop: Students will continue to participate in “Book club” where they can share and talk about what they are reading with their peers.
This week we will continue looking at Money in Mathematics, exploring how money calculations are made and increasing our understandings of cents and dollars. Specifically, we will explore how money is used in the world around us, using scenarios involving shopping and more…
Unit of Inquiry:
Over the next couple of weeks, students will be analysing a town scenario and identifying the needs of that local area. Once the needs are identified students will then choose an organisation to add to the community. They will then present to local council (their class and teacher) for approval.
We are looking for any parents or family members with experience or knowledge of working in a volunteer organisation or as part of a community to potentially answer some questions about meeting the needs of that community in Week 6. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher if you think you may be able to assist with this.
Christian Studies:
This term Christian Studies will link in with our “How we Organise Ourselves” - the role of (Christian) organisations in the community. Students will describe the connections between what Christians believe and the decisions they make.
Announcements / Diary Dates:
Apps to install: Please install the app HeyJapan onto your child’s iPad, it will be used in Japanese for the remainder of the term.
Carols Concert – Friday 1st December (Week 7) – Our annual Carols evening is Friday Week 7. This year the students will perform a song in clusters, with a play of the nativity to also be presented. More details to come closer to the date.
Year 3/4 End of Year Excursion – Bowling & GoldenFields- Monday 4th December (Week 8): At the end of Week 3 a consent form and letter will be sent home informing you of our end of year excursion. Please return by the end of Week 6 (Friday 24th November). If your child has any dietary requirements, please inform your classroom teacher as we are looking at providing a pizza lunch.
School Calendar
It is a busy term, so please keep an eye on the school calendar.
Yours in Christ,
Jacquie Paech, James Salisbury, Brodie Trezona and Lauren Neumann