The Adventures of Frankie and Ash

School Support Dogs 

Last week Mum went away on a holiday to celebrate a Special Birthday from one of her best friends.  How very dare she leave us!!!    Anyway,  there we were, living it up with our Dad while Mum was off having some Adventures. Dad is a softie.   He loves us to bits but isn't as good at saying "no" as Mum. 


Dad let us sleep with him in Bed but he is a bit of a bed hog.   Ash and I had to wriggle and squiggle until we got enough room, and we had to fit Maggie and Taco in too!   I'm sure Dad loved us licking him all over to remind him we needed breakfast.  His face looked a bit funny in the morning - his eyes were all red.  We heard him talking to Mum on the phone where  he said he had been on Edge all night.  We don't know what he was talking about, because he was definitely on Bed. 


We really missed being at school while Mum was away. We love our friends at school, and we bet they missed us too! 


Finally, the moment arrived. Our Mum returned from her trip, and boy, were we excited! We couldn't contain our joy – jumping up and down, wagging our tails like there was no tomorrow.  Ash was a bit stoopid and turned round and round in circles chasing her tail. I may have let a little pee out.  Mum didn't care though and we got lots of kisses and Treats. 


That is all.

Frankie & Ash