
SWPBS, Kimochis, RRRR

Student wellbeing at the end of the year.

At this time of the year there are many students who are silently worrying about what the new year will hold for them. For the Year 6's and many of our Year 4's they are concerned about transitioning to a new school. Secondary school is a completely new world to become acquaited with and can be daunting for some. Our students go to 3 different styles of secondary school, Government, Catholic and Independent. Each system has its own way of transitioning incoming students and this is more often than not, completely out of our jurisdiction as a primary school. Therefore it is important for parents to be able to listen to their children's concerns about their year ahead at a new school and reassure them. Here at Newham we have a wellbeing app called Skodel. Students can mention concerns and how they are feeling about them here. Of late it has come to our attention that students are generally a little concerned about what going to a new school means for them. This is not every student, nor is it all the time, however rest assured, we have also been doing some reassuring around this topic here at school.