Student Leadership

Introducing the 2024 Student Executive

Name: Vinka Lakic

Position: College Captain

Year Started at Endeavour: 7

School Previous to Endeavour: Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School

Why is Leadership Important to Me: 

When asked about what leadership means to me, I think it may best be compared to the artful application of leadership sciences, which is cooking! 

Like cooking, leadership requires instinct and taste, rather than exact measurements and is most exemplified when head chefs, and leaders like myself, artfully deploy their skills and work fluidly with the team that surround them. Excellent leadership encapsulates a number of ingredients, such as communication, creativity, empathy, humility, and respect. Leadership is the sight of people from various backgrounds working together to achieve a common goal; it is the sounds of asking questions and uplifting motivation; the feeling of being part of something historic!


Name: Jack Wake-Dyster

Position: College Captain

Year Started at Endeavour College: Year 7

Previous School: Good Shepherd Lutheran Para Vista

Why is leadership important to me? I have always had a passion for leadership throughout both primary and secondary school, where I have held positions of School Vice-Captain (Primary) and Village Leader in Year 9. I take great pride in helping and supporting others, and leadership to me is more than just a title, it is about being there to help and guide people to achieve their best. Real leadership does not involve a loud and harsh leader, but instead someone who humbly uses their skills to bring together a community, and it is a privilege for me to be able to serve the Endeavour College community as a College Captain in 2024. I am excited for this opportunity to develop my leadership all whilst acting as a positive role model for those around me. 


Name: Amelia Russell

Position: Student Action Team Captain for the portfolio of Charity and Service Enrichment

Year started at Endeavour: 7

School previous to Endeavour: Good Shepard Lutheran Primary School

Why is leadership important to me? 

Leadership is important to me as it is the center of community building and improvement. As a leader of Endeavour, I strive to create positive change and create opportunities for all student to grow and learn. Through hardships and challenges having a leader that cares and supports you through diversity is imperative to a community that harnesses kindness and courage to build the minds of young people. I feel strongly about building close relationships between the student cohort and staff while knowing goals cannot be achieved without the help others. Listening and harnessing the student voice to advocate for passions the student body cares about is an exciting aspect of the Student Action Team which I am excited to engage in, particularly in the sector of charity and service.


Name: Crystal Manning

Position: Student Action Team Captain for the portfolio of Spiritual and Community Building

Year started at Endeavour: Year7

School previous to Endeavour: Good Shepard Lutheran Primary School

Why is leading the school important to you?

 Leading the Endeavour community is important to me as I value the relationships we establish with one another; nourishing an inclusive environment for our entire student body. I want to ensure that, like many of us, students harbour a positive experience at Endeavour and are given opportunities that will leave an everlasting impact on our school. I have met a variety of bright-minded students, all of whom have incredible ideas. Leading the school is important to me, as I would love to see these incredible ideas come to life and the growth of every student in pursuit of the goals they want to achieve.


Name: Miles Pennington 

Position: Student Action Team Captain for the portfolio of Media, Communication and Events Promotion 

Year started at Endeavour: Year 7 

School previous to Endeavour: St Paul Lutheran School 

Why is leading the school important to you? 

Leading Endeavour is important to me as it is my goal and my passion to help students reach their complete and unlimited potential without the limitations that they or others have placed on them. I believe that no one should feel limited in what they can achieve and I will strive to prove that everyone is capable of achieving their goals and ideas through perseverance, courage and hard-work. I look forward to innovating, creating and learning with the students, staff and families of Endeavour College in 2024. 


2024 Senior Student Leaders

We would like to congratulate the following students who will lead in their areas of passion in 2024.

Co-curricular Leaders:   Village Leaders: 
Art LeaderDakota McKayFlorey Poppy Fountain
  Florey Callie Weiss
Chess LeaderAidan Simmons  
  Heysen Gemma Mann
Cultural LeaderAkot GarangHeysen Jai Nabb
Cultural LeaderMia Ngo  
  Kavel Cooper Davies
Drama LeaderChloe SchmidtKavel Hayley Hill
Environmental Sustainability LeaderHeidi PatonLitchfield Clare Edlington
  Litchfield Tayla Lucas
Health & Wellbeing LeaderIvy Le Vu Minh  
  Mackillop Euan Ridsdale
Library LeaderSuhavee VirkMackillop Joshua Sloan
Pedal Prix LeaderHarrison HitchMawson Jacob Barun
  Mawson Caillin Watterson
Music LeaderHayley Fechner  
Music LeaderAustin GillardMitchellRuben Nixon
  MitchellRyan Nixon
Sport LeaderKeelin Chatfield  
Sport LeaderMatilda KelloggSpenceGracie Oborn
  SpenceJasmin Williams

We are excited to see the impact they have and the legacy they leave. We encourage them to be outstanding role models and exceptional ambassadors who dedicate themselves to serve throughout 2024.  


Sharon Ward

Director of Senior Years