From the Leadership Team
What were you put here to do?
The Bible verse focus from the common lectionary last week was the parable of the talents (Luke 19:11-27). This parable teaches us that we are put on earth to work. To build, improve and use what we have been given in the service of God and others. As we look around the College at the moment there is so much activity reflecting exactly this! What follows is a snapshot of how students and teachers are building and sharing their talents.
Last night was the Valedictory Service for 2023 where thanks was given for the talents of the Class of 2023. The hard work that had been undertaken in order to win one of the Academic Achievement or Application Awards was shared. The impact of all of these students on the learning culture of the College, cannot be underestimated. The Senior Vocal Ensemble blessed us with their quite extraordinary rendition of "Mary did you know".
The Year 11 students have been finishing their semester work including their Research Projects. As part of the internal moderation teams, I was very excited at the calibre of the work as well as the breadth of experiences they reflected upon. Year 11s have also been applying for leadership positions, where again they are actively using what has been gifted to them from God.
Year 10s have finished strongly with Mock Interviews, Music Solo Night and the submission of their final assessment tasks. Interviews for the Europe Study Tour and the Indonesian Service Trip continue for students in Years 9 to 11. Year 9s have just completed the final challenge of their Voyage program with a week long challenge camp in the Grampians. On campus they have been working on their Drive23 projects as part of German, Japanese and Literacy classes and their Make a Difference (MAD) projects in Christian Living.
Year 8s have been preparing for their exhibition, working on their "If I could turn back time" project based learning tasks ready for exhibition next week as well as applying and readying themselves for Middle Years Leaders for 2024 positions. It was exciting to see the Year 7s practicing their egg drops yesterday as they continue with their Collisions Science PBL and their study of people who have changed the world.
This is just a snapshot of how every student has the opportunity to build and use their God-given gifts in the service of the Endeavour community.
Students and parents, what examples could you add to this list, of building your talents and gifts?
Sandra Barry
Director of Learning